Auteur Topic: 10 oost E is out  (gelezen 519 keer)

Feedhunter Rini

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10 oost E is out
« Gepost op: 10 augustus 2005, 16:22:37 »
10 E is momentaal buitengebruik af en toe zijn er signalen of beedlen
10  E is at tis time out, sometimes  are there signals or pictures

I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor


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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 10 augustus 2005, 16:40:27 »
Nu is er op de W1 niets meer te vinden...
AZBox Premium HD+ with 1.20 m dish(inclined)
Openbox S10 HD or tbs 5925 with triax 1.10 m dish
Inverto Black Ultra
1.8 m prime focus dish for c-band.


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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 10 augustus 2005, 17:28:00 »
ik had gisteren al een zwak signaal op 10, nu ook helemaal niets..
Hauppauge WinTV DVB-S / Maxplus HTS2100s Chess 100cm Dish - Invacom LNB

Feedhunter Rini

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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 10 augustus 2005, 21:42:33 »
nog steeds out/
still out
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

Feedhunter Rini

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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 10 augustus 2005, 22:16:43 »
Nieuws van APTN
Wednesday, 10 August 2005 - ongoing:

Please be advised that the Eutelsat W1 satellite has experienced a technical failure.

As a temporary solution, APTN have transferred the Global Video Wire feed to the following satellite:

Eutelsat W6 F2 @ 21.5 Degrees East
Downlink Polarisation Vertical
Downlink Frequency: 12 546.170
FEC: 3/4
Symbol Rate: 56320

Launch: Eutelsat W6 Downlink Coverage Maps

Please accept our apologies for this disruption.
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor


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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #5 Gepost op: 10 augustus 2005, 22:21:37 »
rini bedankt  thmb_thumb
Hauppauge WinTV DVB-S / Maxplus HTS2100s Chess 100cm Dish - Invacom LNB


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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #6 Gepost op: 10 augustus 2005, 23:22:58 »
ik heb nu een feed gevonden op 10 oost
tennis dus dan komt het wel in orde denk ik
10 oost
11101 v 13333 7/8
ams world feed 4.2.2
ams supp a 4.2.2
ams supp b 4.2.2
ams news vrij te ontvangen
Het satfeedsforum is gewoon het beste wat er bestaat.
Ik zoek FEEDS met.............
AZBox Premium HD+
MAXPLUS 2100 s -  Maxdigial 220 s  
Quali QS 1080IRCI !!!     
Nokia 9200 met dvb 2000 , skystar2 kaart  - DVB DREAM / ALT DVB-PROGDVB  /   ,schotel 1.80m

Feedhunter Rini

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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #7 Gepost op: 11 augustus 2005, 08:24:34 »
nu ook weer een feed/ now on also again a feed 
10 E 11653 H 3780 5/6 ID  ciahn news agency
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

Feedhunter Rini

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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #8 Gepost op: 11 augustus 2005, 08:26:29 »
alle zenders weer terug/all back!!!
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

Feedhunter Rini

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Re: 10 oost E is out
« Reactie #9 Gepost op: 11 augustus 2005, 12:56:44 »
bericht van APTN
Please be advised that the failure has been resolved and Eutelsat W1 is now active. APTN's Global Video Wire feed is once again available to clients via this satellite.
We will also continue to feed via Eutelsat W6 until we are satisfied that Eutelsat W1 is stable.
Eutelsat W6 F2 @ 21.5 Degrees East
Downlink Polarisation Vertical
Downlink Frequency: 12 546.170
FEC: 3/4
Symbol Rate: 56320

Launch: Eutelsat W6 Downlink Coverage Maps

Please accept our apologies for this disruption.

I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor