Auteur Topic: Getting back into feed spotting, help ! (then I can post more!)  (gelezen 2903 keer)


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Getting back into feed spotting, help ! (then I can post more!)
« Gepost op: 8 oktober 2006, 13:59:01 »
After a break of about 18 years (yes, that long) I am looking to return to the world of "motorised satellite" with the main emphasis of feed hunting and suchlike.

Looking at the changes over the past 18 years I feel like a total stranger. Despite reading a lot on the Internet and talking to a few dealers in Finland (where I am) and in the UK I seem to be getting confused messages.

So any kind tips from feed hunters would be appreciated. The local dealer who will install a 1m dish is proposing a Dreambox 7025 (and has mentioned the benefit of "card emulation". However from what I can find out this is a good unit but maybe not the best for feed hunting.

Here are what I think are the most important features:

1. Blindscan.
2. Ability to record (internal HD).
3. Ability to export files to PC/Mac for onward conversion. Ideally Mac if possible native otherwise I have to find my old laptop or use Parallels Desktop on the Mac.
4. LAN connection.
5. Unlimited channel storage
6. Ability to edit/upload channels.
7. Ability to "scan" pre known "feed channels" in background and stop if something new comes to screen.
8. Support for 4.2.2?
9.. Multi tuner?

What would be the best receiver to meet these requirements. Budget is not "very low" but I'd rather invest a little more to get a good unit than cut corners.

Any help very much appreciated.. then I can also upload new feed information :)



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Re: Getting back into feed spotting, help ! (then I can post more!)
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 9 oktober 2006, 19:27:01 »
Hello m2uk welcome on

18 years is a very long time in satellite world and a lot has changed.
The dreambox is a very good receiver but not for feedhunting.
What you need is a blindscan receiver(fortec, maxplus, for more..)
I use a fortec where I can put in all satellite positions with my pc and with usals and a SG 2100 diseqc motor the dish turns.
There is still no 4-2-2 receiver with blindscan, but there is a skystar 2 card for the pc so you can see 4-2-2 feeds. When I find a 4-2-2 signal on my fortec I start prog dvb on my pc and I can watch. You can also take a snapshot or recording on pc's harddisk.
Perhaps you must look at some online shops to buy a receiver.(I did)

Good luck and hope to see your first feedpost soon here on satfeeds  thmb_thumb

AZBox Premium HD+ with 1.20 m dish(inclined)
Openbox S10 HD or tbs 5925 with triax 1.10 m dish
Inverto Black Ultra
1.8 m prime focus dish for c-band.


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Re: Getting back into feed spotting, help ! (then I can post more!)
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 10 oktober 2006, 10:55:59 »
Thank you !

"The dreambox is a very good receiver but not for feedhunting."
One person elsewhere suggested using two receivers from one dish ?

"What you need is a blindscan receiver(fortec, maxplus, for more..)"
Google gave a lot of information, but any modern model with closeness to my needs you could give a specific recommendation to ?

"There is still no 4-2-2 receiver with blindscan, but there is a skystar 2 card for the pc so you can see 4-2-2 feeds. When I find a 4-2-2 signal on my fortec I start prog dvb on my pc and I can watch. You can also take a snapshot or recording on pc's harddisk."
This card looked interesting as possible replacement for the whole receiver? Can it do that, or how do you move the motor ? It would be nice if it was not Windows based as well. I use a Mac but otherwise Linux is OK (thinking otherwise it costs 150 euros plus for a Windows licence) that could go on feed equipment.

"Perhaps you must look at some online shops to buy a receiver.(I did)"
I have a few emails outstanding to them but all of their online information claims everything is good.. and experience shows it is not ! My local dealer for example recommended Dreambox 7025 but he doesn't understand feed hunting and blindscan (but he understands well moveable satellite systems).

Thanks !!


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Re: Getting back into feed spotting, help ! (then I can post more!)
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 10 oktober 2006, 14:57:47 »
Following up on my earlier mail, and some advice received elsewhere, I have spent most of the day avoiding work (problem is, as own boss, who do you cheat!) and been investigating more in detail.

It seems now, subject to final discussions over the size of the parabol and the motor, that systems are go.

The best solution proposed to me (as this is a system that is not in a family room) is to use a powerful PC and several satellite cards. So an order has been placed for the following:

One to allow for the nice capture goodness and the other for the blindscanning.

So I dare say the installation/familiarisation/getting up to speed will pose and spawn many many questions when installed, hopefully within the month.

Let's see what reason the installer has now for recommending 85cm! I think it is since his "Tv watching" multisat customers are happy with that, even though I understand many feeds are not using the same power on the same satellites.

Thanks again :)