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NASA TV- ESA - Launch-Space Shuttle-Space (photo`s)
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Topic: NASA TV- ESA - Launch-Space Shuttle-Space (photo`s) (gelezen 199842 keer)
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #45 Gepost op:
18 december 2006, 13:05:46 »
10 E 11155 V 611 aut ID service 2
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #46 Gepost op:
18 december 2006, 13:25:32 »
10 E 11155 V 6111 aut ID service 2
2 astronauten aan het werk, een boven en een beneden.
De astronaut onder heeft op zijn linker arm een memo met de werkzaamheden.
2 astonauts working outside, 1 above and 1 under.
The astronaut below have on his left arm a memo with the work to do.
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #47 Gepost op:
18 december 2006, 13:31:26 »
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #48 Gepost op:
18 december 2006, 16:23:03 »
10 E 11155 V 6111 aut ID service 2
Persconferentie uit de ruimte zie het haar van de vrouw rechstachter (gewichtloosheid)
Presseconference from space, see the hair of the lady right behind (no weight in the air?)
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #49 Gepost op:
18 december 2006, 20:56:52 »
12.5°W 12653,H,6111 TV2GO#1 (Service Provider) 4:2:0 (tip PAO)
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #50 Gepost op:
18 december 2006, 21:40:07 »
12.5 W 12653 H 6111 aut iD TV2GO#1
in het midden is een astronaut aan het werk.
in the middel an astronaut is working
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #51 Gepost op:
18 december 2006, 22:14:39 »
de twee ruimte-werkers
The two space-walkers(workers)
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #52 Gepost op:
19 december 2006, 20:05:01 »
7.0°E 11016,V,6666 CHEVC3 (TandbergTV) 4:2:2
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #53 Gepost op:
19 december 2006, 20:25:20 »
De 3 achterblijvers in de ISS de andere gaan terug naar de aarde.
The 3 astronauts staying in the I.S.S. the other going back to earth
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #54 Gepost op:
19 december 2006, 20:34:25 »
ook/Also 10971 V 4167 5/6 id: UP4 (fta)
(tip Steve Mann)
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #55 Gepost op:
19 december 2006, 20:46:01 »
7.0°E 11016,V,6666 CHEVC4 (TandbergTV) 4:2:2
Het Ruimtestation I.S.S.
The Space station I.S.S.
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 18278
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #56 Gepost op:
19 december 2006, 20:59:38 »
7 E
11022 H 6666
AZBox Premium HD+ with 1.20 m dish(inclined)
Openbox S10 HD or tbs 5925 with triax 1.10 m dish
Inverto Black Ultra
1.8 m prime focus dish for c-band.
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #57 Gepost op:
19 december 2006, 21:01:25 »
7.0°E 11016,V,6666 CHEVC4 (TandbergTV) 4:2:2
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #58 Gepost op:
19 december 2006, 21:10:13 »
10 E 10972 V 4167 5/6 ID UP4
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
Feedhunter Rini
Global Moderator
Elite Feedhunter
Berichten: 31358
Re: 12.5 W NASA TV- Launch Space Shuttle (foto)
Reactie #59 Gepost op:
19 december 2006, 23:04:02 »
10 e 10972 V 4167 5/6 ID UP4
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15, or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor
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NASA TV- ESA - Launch-Space Shuttle-Space (photo`s)
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