About Feeds (English-Dutch) => Feedforum => Topic gestart door: kingking op 15 februari 2006, 07:14:58

Titel: pls help sym rate 5462 3055 6110 ?
Bericht door: kingking op 15 februari 2006, 07:14:58
pls help i can't catch feeds that have symbol rate 5462  3055 6110 and all feeds with 4 number symbol rate plshelp what's the problem ? thanks  :8
Titel: Re: pls help sym rate 5462 3055 6110 ?
Bericht door: Ron op 15 februari 2006, 11:43:45
Hello kingking can you please tell what receiver do you have?
Titel: Re: pls help sym rate 5462 3055 6110 ?
Bericht door: kingking op 15 februari 2006, 18:59:07
i have a goldvision receiver what's the problem pls thanks
Titel: Re: pls help sym rate 5462 3055 6110 ?
Bericht door: Ron op 15 februari 2006, 20:46:34
There is only the model FTA 1000 where you can put in low symb rate I think.
Look at the site ( from goldvision for your model.
Titel: Re: pls help sym rate 5462 3055 6110 ?
Bericht door: kingking op 16 februari 2006, 01:31:02
thanks my freind could you tell me the brand of some receivers where you can put low symbol rate but the problem some symbol rate don't work for me i wanna catch torino nhk on atlantic bird 3   11055.00 MHz with symbol rate 27488 but it doesn't work only the channels with 22000 27500 28000 work pls help thanks
Titel: Re: pls help sym rate 5462 3055 6110 ?
Bericht door: Ron op 16 februari 2006, 22:41:36
You must not buy a receiver from a provider(canal+ , sky...)
Ask in a local satstore en tell your problem..
There are receivers less than €100. thmb_thumb
Titel: Re: pls help sym rate 5462 3055 6110 ?
Bericht door: SNGER op 1 juni 2006, 18:38:32
Try to put an 0 in front of the symbolrate, some professional receivers also had that problem
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