Auteur Topic: DrDish@TV  (gelezen 3261 keer)


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« Gepost op: 23 september 2005, 17:23:18 »
DrDish@TV - 26.09.2005 - LIVE

Deutsche Sendung

Beginn: 19:00 CET
aus der Satelliten-Welt
präsentiert von
Sebastian Schuster
Sat News
Media News
Launch News
Messe News
Produkt News & Trends

Neue Produkte

Reelbox Lite und Avantgarde:
vorgestellt von Sebastian Puhr (Reel-Multimedia)

erstmalig präsentiert

Golden Interstar DSR 9000CI Premium /Twin Tuner:
Frisch aus der Fabrik

Manhattan Plaza ST 550:
Wie gut ist dieser Blind Scan-Receiver wirklich?

Satellit & Scanner
Vorführung eines professionellen Breitbandempfängers und einer Mil-Sat-Antenne von Mike Höhn

IFA- Gespräche
Stimmungen und Trends von der IFA in Berlin

DrDish Fragen und Antworten


Start: approx. 20:50 CET
World News
presented by
Sebastian Schuster
Sat News
Media News
Launch News
Exhibition and Trade fair News
Product News & Trends

New Products

Reelbox Lite and Avantgarde:
presented by Sebastian Puhr (Reel-Multimedia)

first presentation

Golden Interstar DSR 9000CI Premium /Twin Tuner:
Brand new from the manufacturer

Manhattan Plaza ST 550:
Better than other blind scan receivers?

Satellite & Scanner
Presentation of a professional broadband receiver and a mil-sat-antenna by Mike Höhn

IFA- Talks
Tendencies and trends from the IFA in Berlin

DrDish Q&A's

Zoek feeds met :satwork st3610 en Coship 3188C.
Schotels:channelmaster 120cm en een Gregorian schotel 99cm.

Feedhunter Rini

  • Global Moderator
  • Elite Feedhunter
  • *****
  • Berichten: 31358
Re: DrDish@TV
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 3 oktober 2005, 15:55:07 »
October 27, 2005
Zeit 19:00
Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Oslo, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Rome, Zurich

London, Lisbon

Istanbul, Helsinki, Athens, Bucharest

Transmission schedule
Sendeplan 19:00 - 20:30 >> German Edition / Deutsche Ausgabe
20:30 - 20:50 >> Break / Pause
20:50 - 22:20 >> English Edition / Englische Ausgabe
Ausbreitung Intelsat 10-02 at 1° West
Frequency: 11.535 Mhz (Ku-Band)
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 5.632 Msyb/s
FEC: 3/4
Beam: Spot 1
click here for transmission details and footprint maps

















Special U.S.A. rebroadcast September Edition via UON-TV
Sonderausstrahlung der September-Sendung über UON-TV in den USA
Datum coming soon every Tuesday /in Kürze jeden Dienstag
Ausbreitung Intelsat Americas 5 at 97° west
click here for transmission details and footprint maps



I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

Feedhunter Rini

  • Global Moderator
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  • Berichten: 31358
Re: DrDish@TV
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 13 oktober 2005, 09:13:02 »
DrDish@TV week-end / DrDish@TV Wochenende

DrDish@TV’s September Edition is scheduled for rebroadcast this week-end.



Time Schedule:


From Friday to Sunday every day: October 14, 15, 16


Transmission START at 19:00 CET (17:00 GMT) with the German Edition (lasts approx. 2 hours) followed by the English Edition.



Reception Details:


To Europe, Middle East and North Africa via

HotBird-1 @ 13° East

Frequency: 11,304 MHz

Polarity: Horizontal

Symbol rate: 27.500 Msb

FEC: 3/4

Transponder: 5

Channel: RRSAT feed


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor


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  • Berichten: 18278
Re: DrDish@TV
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 27 oktober 2005, 09:34:39 »

 October 27, 2005
Zeit 19:00
Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Oslo, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Rome, Zurich

London, Lisbon

Istanbul, Helsinki, Athens, Bucharest

Transmission schedule
Sendeplan 19:00 - 20:30 >> German Edition / Deutsche Ausgabe
20:30 - 20:50 >> Break / Pause
20:50 - 22:20 >> English Edition / Englische Ausgabe
Ausbreitung Intelsat 10-02 at 1° West
Frequency: 11.535 Mhz (Ku-Band)
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 5.632 Msyb/s
FEC: 3/4
Beam: Spot 1
AZBox Premium HD+ with 1.20 m dish(inclined)
Openbox S10 HD or tbs 5925 with triax 1.10 m dish
Inverto Black Ultra
1.8 m prime focus dish for c-band.


  • Global Moderator
  • Elite Feedhunter
  • *****
  • Berichten: 18272
Re: DrDish@TV
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 12 november 2005, 14:59:51 »
11/12/13 November

Please find below the reception parameters for the transmission of Dr.DishTV. We will start at the same time for all the satellite at 17:00 GMT. The duration of the programs is 4 hours.
The dates for transmission is Friday Saturday and Sunday 11-12-13 of NovemberThe US, Australia and Canada are served later this months.
For more information visit or write to

Satellite: HotBird-6
Localization : 13° East
Polarity : Horizontal
Frequency : 10,971 MHz
Symbol rate : 27.500 MSps
FEC : 3/4
Service name: MRTV
Service ID: 8
Uplink station :RRSAT

Satellite : Amos 2
Localization : 4° West
Polarity : Horizontal
Frequency : 11,684 MHz
Symbol rate : 4.500 MSps
FEC : 3/4
Service name: RR Promo
Service ID: 3
Uplink station :RRSAT

Satellite : Amos 2
Localization : 4° West
Polarity : Horizontal
Frequency : 10,994 MHz
Symbol rate : 4.850 MSps
FEC : 3/4
Service name: RR PROMO
Service ID: 2
Uplink station :RRSAT

Satellite : Hellasat
Localization : 39° East
Polarity : Vertical
Frequency : 12647 MHz
Symbol rate : 27.500 MSps
FEC : 3/4
Service name: AWA Movie
Service ID: 7
Uplink station :RRSAT

Satellite : Insat 2E
Localization : 83° East
Polarity : Vertical
Frequency : 4042 MHz
Symbol rate : 8000 MSps
FEC : 7/8
Service name: RR PROMO
Service ID: 1
Uplink station :RRSAT

Satellite : W5
Localization : 70.5° East
Polarity : Vertical
Frequency : 11305 MHz
Symbol rate : 27.500 MSps
FEC : 1/2
Service name: RR Promo
Service ID: 3
Uplink station :RRSAT

Satellite : Yamal 202
Localization : 49° East
Polarity : Left hand
Frequency : 3792 MHz
Symbol rate : 27.500 MSps
FEC : 3/4
Service name: RRSat Promo
Service ID: 215
Uplink station :RRSAT
Zoek feeds met :satwork st3610 en Coship 3188C.
Schotels:channelmaster 120cm en een Gregorian schotel 99cm.

Feedhunter Rini

  • Global Moderator
  • Elite Feedhunter
  • *****
  • Berichten: 31358
Re: DrDish@TV
« Reactie #5 Gepost op: 16 november 2005, 10:08:38 »
NEXT DrDish TV LIVE show on Intelsat 10-02
Nächste LIVE-Sendung von DrDish TV auf Intelsat 10-02
Datum November 24, 2005
Zeit 19:00
Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Oslo, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Rome, Zurich

London, Lisbon

Istanbul, Helsinki, Athens, Bucharest

Transmission schedule
Sendeplan 19:00 - 20:30 >> German Edition / Deutsche Ausgabe
20:30 - 20:50 >> Break / Pause
20:50 - 22:20 >> English Edition / Englische Ausgabe
Ausbreitung Intelsat 10-02 at 1° West
Frequency: 11.535 Mhz (Ku-Band)
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 5.632 Msyb/s
FEC: 3/4
Beam: Spot 1
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor


  • Global Moderator
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  • Berichten: 18272
Re: DrDish@TV
« Reactie #6 Gepost op: 21 november 2005, 16:23:55 »
The next live broadcasting of DrDish TV for Europe is due on:

November 24, 2005 / 18:00 GMT
via INTELSAT 10-02

For reception parameters, please check

DrDish TV Sweepstake:

It's christmas for many viewers soon and DrDish TV celebrates its 10th anniversary in November. We want to celebrate with you and have organized a sweepstake with the help of the satcom industry in our show on November 24, 2005 and the world wide rebroadcast 14 days later.

Here is what you can win:

Donated of the company Golden Interstar GmbH

1x TOPFIELD TF4000 PVR with 80 GB hard disk
Donated of the company Sky Vision Satellitentechnik GmbH

Donated of the company HMM Satshop Berlin

1x CLARKE 2100S+ Blind Scan
Donated of the company Olbort Satellitentechnik

1x Smart MX11 FTA-Receiver
Donated of the company Wela electronic Handels GmbH

1x EMP Centauri GOTOnn Switch S.168
Donated of the company Olbort Satellitentechnik

6x CDs George Nussbaumer "IT`S CRAZY BIT I DO" with the DrDish TV song „Surfing in the sky“
Donated of George Nussbaumer

6x books “Satellitenspionage für Insider�

So keep your Biro and a sheet of paper ready.

DrDish TV Program Content:

with Sebastian Schuster

Test Report:
Kaon KVR 1000 Plus.
Satellite receiver with Internet control

Product Presentation:
PVR with LINUX and two tuners

Space & Scanner:
Mike Hoehn's special

Satcom magazines:
A view through all new satcom magazines
and a critical view to tests of one magazine

Satellite Espionage:
How secure is the Internet via satellite?

DrDish TV Q&A:
DrDish answers your technical questions

DrDish TV special sweepstake
10 years DrDish TV
Zoek feeds met :satwork st3610 en Coship 3188C.
Schotels:channelmaster 120cm en een Gregorian schotel 99cm.

Feedhunter Rini

  • Global Moderator
  • Elite Feedhunter
  • *****
  • Berichten: 31358
Re: DrDish@TV
« Reactie #7 Gepost op: 14 maart 2006, 00:07:52 »
DrDishTV daily broadcast to start on the 1st of April, 17:00 C.E.T. more info soon here!
Reception on HotBird 13° East, 11.304, Hor., 27.500, 3/4, Channel ID: ChallengerTV

DrDishTV täglich ab 1. April um 17:00 M.E.Z. weitere Infos folgen!
Empfang via HotBird 13° Ost, 11.304, Hor., 27.500, 3/4, Channel ID: ChallengerTV
I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor

Feedhunter Rini

  • Global Moderator
  • Elite Feedhunter
  • *****
  • Berichten: 31358
Re: DrDish@TV
« Reactie #8 Gepost op: 30 augustus 2006, 10:41:27 »

DrDish Television NEWSLETTER



DrDishTV is on air now with more bandwidth and new frequency

The new edition of DrDish Magazine is on air on the 26th of August in German and English languages.

German broadcast: 17:00 CET
English broadcast: 19:30 CET

Content highlights:

Test Reports:
USB Box for HDTV Reception via PC
Clarke C-Tech 2000 Blind Scan Receiver
Homecast HS 5001 CI HDTV Receiver

For German only:

Worldspace Radio as mobile unit

DrDish Knowledge:
Technical Q&As

International Press Review

DrDishTV is on air for you every day!

On Saturday and Sunday:

Time in CET:
17:00 – 19:30 in German Language
19:30 – 22:00 in English Language
Time in GMT:
15:00 – 17:30 in German Language
17:30 – 20:00 in English Language

From Monday to Friday:

Time in CET:
12:00 – 14:30 in German Language
14:30 – 17:00 in English Language

Time in GMT:
10:00 – 12:30 in German Language
12:30 – 15:00 in English Language

CET = Central European Time
GMT = Greenwich Mean Time

For more information and weekly programme schedule please visit our web site:

Please send your technical questions to:

Free newsmailer subscription at:

The NEW reception parameters are:

Satellite: HotBird 3
Location: 13° East
Frequency: 12.359
Polarization: Horizontal
Symbol Rate: 27.500
FEC: 3/4
Channel ID: Dr Dish TV

DrDishTV’s new channel host and playout service provider is GlobeCast - a subsidiary of France Telecom - which guarantees for high standard broadcast quality.




 DrDishTV jetzt mit erweiterter Bandbreite und auf neuer Frequenz

Die neue Ausgabe des DrDish Magazins gibt es am 26. August 2006 in deutscher und englischer Sprache.

Deutsche Sendung: 17:00 CET
Englische Sendung: 19:30 CET

… und das können Sie u. a. sehen:

USB Box für HDTV Empfang via PC
Clarke C-Tech 2000 Blind Scan Receiver
Homecast HS 5001 CI HDTV Receiver

DrDish fragt nach:
Arena und die Satellitenbereitstellungsgebühr

Special 1:
Grundverschlüsselung: welche Receiver sind geeignet?

Special 2:
Worldspace Radio im mobilen Einsatz

DrDish Wissen:
Technische Fragen und Antworten

Ein Blick in die Fachpresse

DrDishTV ist jeden Tag für Sie da!

Samstag / Sonntag:
17:00 – 19:30 CET in deutscher Sprache
19:30 – 22:00 CET in englischer Sprache

Montag – Freitag:
12:00 – 14:30 CET in deutscher Sprache
14:30 – 15:00 CET in englischer Sprache


Für mehr Information und unseren wöchentlichen Sendplan besuchen Sie bitte unsere Internet-Seite:

Bitte senden Sie Ihre technischen Fragen an:

Hier die neuen DrDishTV-Empfangsparameter:

Satellit: HotBird 3
Orbit Position: 13° East
Frequenz: 12.359
Polarization: Horizontal
Symbol Rate: 27.500
FEC: 3/4
Channel ID: Dr Dish TV

DrDishTV´s neuer Partner ist GlobeCast – ein Tochterunternhemen der France Telecom.
Diese Partnerschaft garantiert einen hohen Qualitätsstandard.


I work with: Technomate TM 5402 HD M3 CI super+, or Dr HD F 15,  or Clark Tech HD 4100 plus, or VU+ Duo or DVB/Dream DVB met TBS 5980 USB DVB S2 TV Q Box CI and a 110 c.m. Triax dish with quad 0.3 Invacom LNB and a DiseqC 1.2 Motorized H-H Moteck Motor